Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Day Two Highlights!

Happy Birthday to our counselor and soon to be guitar teacher YITTY! 
Great soccer game for Green and Purple groups! 
Zumba with Kelly for group Yellow- always a hit! 
Painting our planter people! 

What an amazing group of talented girls!! 

Monday, June 29, 2015

Creative Camper Caps!

Today we started off what is sure to be a fantastic summer with decorating our own cool colorful and creative caps. We received hats with our bunks color. The girls had fun using puff paint, markers, beads, fake flowers and strawberries (yum) and all sorts of exciting crafta. We had a great time and the caps came out super cool! Can't wait for more creativity tomorrow! 
-Leba (Art Specialist) 

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Parent Information Letter

Welcome to the
 We look forward to a pleasant and creative summer with your daughter!

Thank you for selecting our camp. The following information will explain the regulations of our camp. Please read through and save for further reference.

1.      Camp Dates - Camp starts Monday, June 29 and ends Friday, August 7th.  There will be a camp performance on Thursday, July 16th at 2:00 pm. There will be an art show on the last day of camp Friday, August 7th at 3:00 pm. Please mark your calendars and tell your family and friends! Campers will be dismissed after the shows.
2.      Meeting Place – Camp is located at 145 College Road, Suffern NY 10901. Please see attached letter regarding drop off and pick up.  Please do not ask your child to meet you at another location.
3.      Camp Hours - Camp will begin at 9:00am sharp and will end at 4:00pm.  If you are bringing your child after 9:15 am please take her to the office and make sure she is signed in. Please make every effort to pick up your child on time, as our counselors have other commitments and will not be able to wait. After 4:15 campers not picked up will be sent to after-care in the Fieldhouse.
4.       Dress Code/Item List - We recommend comfortable clothing, socks and sneakers. We also suggest a pair of leggings for exercise classes. Please also send in a smock/oversized t-shirt. Please be aware that although we wear smocks, we do use non-washable materials. Please bring a bathing suit, towel and swim shoes daily. Please send a siddur to be left in camp. Please mark clothing and other equipment with camper’s names.
5.      Camp Shirts & Backpacks – will be distributed the 1st week of camp.
6.      Valuables – iPods, game consoles, jewelry, wrist watches or expensive equipment should NOT be brought to camp.  The camp will NOT be responsible for lost valuables.  Cell phones use during the camp day is strictly prohibited.  If a camper needs to call home, a counselor will escort the camper to the office and the call will be made from there.  If a parent needs to contact a camper, please call 574-4451 and we will get the message to the camper.  Cell phones may be used at dismissal.
7.      Food Campers must bring their own lunch and snacks each day. There will be no lunch provided or available for purchase. We have a refrigerator if necessary. Campers are not to share lunches with friends. Please refrain from sending in candy as snacks. All snacks provided in an activity will be strictly Kosher and Chalav Yisrael.
8.      Water Station – Water is provided at each activity.  Campers will have water breaks at the beginning, midway and at the end of each activity.  Campers are encouraged to carry a water bottle with them throughout the day & hydrate themselves when needed.
9.      Insurance - Please remember that Rockland Community College does not provide accident insurance.  Each child should be covered through her parents’ policy.
10.  Lost & Found – All items found at an activity will be picked up by the specialists and brought to the lost & found area by the end of the day.  Campers are encouraged to periodically check the lost & found if they lost an item.
11.  Early Pick Ups During The Camp Day- If you know in advance that you need to pick up your child, please call our office at 574-4451. Please state the time of pick up and who will be picking up the camper.
12.  Carpool -If there is a carpool of campers being picked up, we must have written permission from a parent for each camper being picked up. Please fill out attached form.
13.  Visitors- Visitors are permitted only if previous arrangements are made with the camp.
14.  Communication- Our office is 845-574-4451.  We are always interested in comments or concerns. You can always email Director, Shevy Oliver at soliver@sunyrockland.edu with instructions or requests regarding your child. Do not rely solely on sending a note with your child. Our primary way of communicating will be via email. Please make sure we have a correct address.

Please also follow our camp blog www.creativegirlsRCC.blogspot.com or www.rccsummercamps.com/creativegirls to see updated camp photos and information!

For any questions, please call 845-574-4451

We look forward to greeting you!

Have a fun, safe and creative summer! 

Pick-Up & Drop Info & Map

Safety is of the utmost concern for us at RCC Summer Camps. In that regard, please read and 

understand the procedure for dropping off and picking up your children. If you have any questions or 

concerns, please let us know.

Drop Off and Pick Up will occur in the South Parking Lot, next to the Fieldhouse

Directions: Enter at the stoplight on College Road. At the first stop sign, continue straight. This will be a 

one way road that will bend left between two buildings. Follow this road straight into a large parking lot 

with the Fieldhouse on your right. Please see back of page for attached map.

 Drop Off will occur in the first aisle of the parking lot, closest to the Fieldhouse. Traffic will be 

directed in one direction through this aisle. Please make sure to let the campers out on the right 

side of the vehicle. If you need to, or would like to, park please do so in one of the other aisles of 

the parking lot. All traffic will need to exit at the top of the parking lot.

 Pick Up will be in the Fieldhouse. Please park in the same parking lot as drop off, and come into 

the Fieldhouse to pick up your children. The camp groups will be clearly labeled on the walls of 

the Fieldhouse. If necessary, look for camp staff in the middle of the Fieldhouse, who will be 

able to assist you. Again, all traffic will need to exit at the top of the parking lot. 

If a camper needs to be dropped off or picked up at a different time of day:

 Early Drop Off begins at 7:30 a.m. and Late Pick Up ends at 5:30 p.m. These services will occur in 

the Fieldhouse, the same place as drop off and pick up. We ask that you walk the campers into 

the Fieldhouse for Early Drop Off to check them in with the staff, and to walk into the 

Fieldhouse to check them out with the staff for Late Pick Up. 

 Pick up or drop off during the middle of the day will occur through our office, in the Exercise and 

Human Performance Department on the first floor of the Fieldhouse. If you know in advance 

that you need to pick up your child, please send a note that morning or call our office at (845) 

574-4451. Please state the time of pick up and who will be picking the camper up. Also, if there 

is a carpool of campers being picked up, we must have permission from a parent for each 

camper being picked up.

Thank you,

Matt Matcovich

Director, RCC Summer Camps